TOGO: EDUCATION: the government agrees to pay the salaries of volunteer teachers

The pleasant surprises of the Executive to the education sector do not cease to amaze the actors of the system for some weeks. After the launch of the construction of 30,000 classrooms by 2025, the announcement of the effective release of the exceptional bonus this end of January 2021, it is with relief that the heads of secondary schools welcome the effective payment of the state allocation to secondary school institutions.
Indeed, in the memorandum No. 3716/2021/MEPSTA/CAB/SG/DAF of December 27, 2021, Minister Kokoroko announced the provision of MEPSTA by the government, a credit of 834 727 566 f cfa in treasury accounts opened for this purpose to compensate for the measure of free school fees at the Secondary School and the modalities of execution of expenditures on these accounts.
In addition to other expenses related to the operation of schools, these funds also take into account the salaries of volunteer teachers in addition to the parallel contributions.
The steps to be followed to make effective the payment of these salaries in full transparency are clearly indicated in the letter.<<For the salary of volunteer teachers (EV), a payment statement taking into account all EVs must be prepared and transmitted each month to the paying treasury for payment.
The means of payment will be defined by the paying treasurer in view of the validated budget and the list of beneficiaries with their telephone numbers>> the note reads.It is always useful to specify that for a better functioning of the structures of the education system, the 834 727 566 f cfa come in addition to the parallel contributions paid by the parents of students to support the government in its mission of educating and training young people.
The reforms for a clean, inclusive and quality education system are continuing with elegance and mastery.
The foundations of a new Togo resolutely engaged on the path of its integral development are now laid and gradually consolidated.Minister Kokoroko often reminds us in his words of circumstance: << when the school is doing well, the state is doing well>>.
Pascal S.