English corner

EDUCATION: TETO and CEPA launch a program to promote English in Togo

The Togo English Teachers’ Organization (TETO) and the Culture and English Promotion Association (CEPA) officially launched this Saturday, November 5, on the site of the university campus of Lomé, a program to promote the English language in Togo.

It is through a press conference that the leaders of the two associations presented to the media, the program which will cover the period 2022-2023.

It aims essentially to promote the use of English not only in schools and universities but also in companies.According to the explanations of Amekofia Segno BOTRI, national president of the TETO, the program has two main axes: the first concerns competitions (contests) for pupils, students of public and private universities in Togo, and young professionals in companies.

« These competitions aim to stimulate them to use the English language, which is becoming more and more essential in the world and especially for us Togolese with the country’s recent membership of the Commonwealth, » said Segno BOTRI.

The second aspect concerns the training of English teachers. »The quality of English of our students depends on the background of teachers. We will therefore have training before the organization of the competitions on how to create and manage English clubs, and how to use new technologies in education and we also focus on the promotion of female leadership. We will have a forum for women English teachers where they will discuss the difficulties they face in the field and reflect on how they can participate more actively in the activities of the association, » added the national president of TETO.

For its part, CEPA, which has been organizing inter-school competitions in English every year for the past 10 years, intends to join forces with TETO for the successful implementation of the program.

It should be noted that both organizations are sponsored by the US Embassy in Togo.

Created in 2009, TETO has more than 2000 members composed of English teachers, interpreters, and translators for exchanges and sharing of experiences for the promotion of English in Togo.

Article traduit en anglais par Segno BOTRI

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