Secondary 2 teachers, commonly known as high school teachers, are adopting the new competency-based approach (CBA) programs throughout the country.

Beginning on Monday, October 3, the training session for this category of knowledge transmission shows takes place in waves and by disciplines allowing to the education system of Togo to train its secondary 2 teachers on the new educational condition in force in the second classes from this start of the 2022- 2023 school year and at the same time Ensure the continuity of lessons in the classes of this cycle.
For two weeks, including three days in waves, teachers from the public, secular private and denominational sectors will learn about the second classes and familiarize themselves with new ways To teach within the framework of the competency-based approach.

Thus, throughout the training, the teachers will work on the fundamentals of the CBA, the appropriation of the new learning assessment program and the development of the correction grid.
At the end of the work, the participants will be properly equipped to design educational sheets in the CBA format, install / establish skills in learners in a course animation according to the requirements of the CBA and organize the integration sessions of evaluation or remediation.
This new teaching approach is introduced into the education system in 2018, first in primary school then in middle school and from September 2022, it is applied in high school in the second class in an annual progression that will cover all high school classes in 2024-2025.
The CBA makes it possible to train learners with light and current programs and therefore to install and develop in them terminal skills allowing them to solve Doing the complex situations that they may face in their life every day correctly and coping effectively with the issues of the hour.
From now on, the exit profiles of the learners will perfectly meet the challenges of the hour and therefore the aspirations and the current order and society.
It should be remembered that the CBA skills-based approach being progressively installed in the Togolese education system complements the pedagogy by objectives (PBO)which is still in force in first and last year in high school and which in its time had also completed the pedagogy by contents ( PCB).
If the CBA training financed by the 2nd phase of the college reform support program (CRSP 2) is enthusiastically received by teachers, it should nevertheless be noted that visibly, The conditions of its holding are deplored by these skills installation specialists.
The content of the training whether it is the timing chosen, the too short duration of the training, the reception infrastructures or the accompaniments and travels. Efforts still need to be made to put these men-makers in the best conditions for acquiring new class practices that are being installed in them.

The content of the training whether it is the timing chosen, the too short duration of the training, the reception infrastructures or the accompaniments and travels. Efforts still need to be made to put these men-makers in the best conditions for acquiring new class practices that are being installed in them.
The Togolese school under the direction of Professor KOKOROKO is continuing deep reforms for its modernization and reliability, in accordance with the 2020- 2025 government roadmap, Thus reviving among the populations, confidence in the school and the hope of a better tomorrow for Togo. As the responsible Minister Komlan Dodzi KOKOROKO often likes to point out<< When school goes, the Republic goes.>>
Traduit par Eugénie (stagiaire).